The current pool has smaller exposures to the construction and turf sectors compared to the 2024-2 series, which have seen higher loss rates than the agriculture sector.
3h ago -
Lenders and developers are now working their contacts in Washington to try to protect Ginnie Mae.
9h ago -
The potential impacts of import tariffs cloud the outlook, though, and could lead mortgage rates to surge and fall throughout the coming year.
February 20 -
Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell said insurance companies and banks are already pulling out of disaster-prone areas, which could pose problems.
February 12 -
The rating agency covers its bases in preparation for a surge in data center debt
February 12 -
Most participants in a monthly Wolters Kluwer survey no longer think the next short-term rate reduction will be in March.
February 10 -
While mortgage employment is lower year-over-year, the mixed bag of data makes it more likely that borrowing rates will remain higher for longer.
February 7 -
The 30-year fixed rate mortgage continues to slip away from the 7% mark, Freddie Mac said, but experts still expect them to stay higher for longer.
February 6 -
RG&E, series 2025-A, is the second utility cost recovery securitization this week, and is another first-time issuer.
February 6 -
Completed foreclosure auctions should be 8% lower this year, but if home value and unemployment expectations change, all bets are off, Auction.com said.
February 5