Independent monetary policymakers have resisted President Trump's call to lower financing costs but could find it harder to ignore employment losses.
March 7 -
While mortgage employment is lower year-over-year, the mixed bag of data makes it more likely that borrowing rates will remain higher for longer.
February 7 -
ABS overall should outperform, but risks remain in specific areas
December 19 -
A strong economy drove mortgage rates higher in the past week but it's still an advantageous market for consumers in some ways, according to Freddie Mac.
October 17 -
A Fannie Mae survey-high 86% of prospective buyers said it was a bad time to buy a home in May.
June 7 -
Mortgage lenders offered more cash-out refinance programs at a time when consumers might be coming to terms with the rate environment.
April 9 -
While the government-sponsored enterprise cut its origination forecast for this year, the Mortgage Bankers Association's updated forecast was unchanged from its October prediction.
November 22 -
High mortgage rates and the lack of inventory for sale pushed the sector into a downturn twice recently - between May and November last year and in May of 2023 - according to First American
September 18 -
Researchers at the government-sponsored enterprise also maintained their outlook for a modest recession but moved anticipated onset to the fourth quarter this year.
June 27 -
The American Bankers Association's credit conditions index remained near historic lows despite a slight uptick in the most recent quarter. Pessimism pervaded the outlook for both business and consumer lending.
June 16