The $4 trillion-asset bank posted its highest-ever annual profit but also said its CEO succession plan is still in the works.
January 15 -
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Director Rohit Chopra said regulators urgently need to implement the Basel III endgame bank capital proposal, suggesting his opposition to the revised rule centers on the process of re-proposal rather than more substantive opposition to suggested revisions.
October 24 -
The impact on things like servicing rights would raise costs even for lenders that aren't banks, according to Mortgage Bankers Association President and CEO Bob Broeksmit. Others disagree.
September 14 -
Consumer advocates are protesting specific risk-weighting changes affecting borrowers with lower down payments. Also, a broader increase in requirements may discourage depository holdings of servicing.
July 28 -
States have the option of adopting the oversight framework issued by the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, which resembles capital and liquidity plan proposed by the Federal Housing Finance Agency.
July 27 -
Hildene Capital, which is pressuring CIB Marine to issue subordinated debt to redeem preferred stock, has nominated two individuals to stand for election to the company's board.
February 24 -
The $175.9 million securitization of legacy trust-preferred securities issued by community banks prior to 2007 carries a double-A rating from Moody's.
November 23 -
Dana Wade, a former OMB official, says a strong capital footing will help the Federal Housing Administration weather an uptick in delinquencies and ensure the mortgage market is viable once the economy recovers.
August 17 -
As they prepare to exit government conservatorship, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have enlisted the investment banks to help them boost capital and evaluate market opportunities.
June 15 -
The central bank's Financial Stability Report said companies may face difficulties repaying debt given lower earnings, “which could trigger a sizable increase in firm defaults."
May 15