HUD denied claims that 40% of the administration's workforce will be cut.
February 25 -
The plan from the Heritage Foundation, a group the first Trump administration was largely in line with, would shutter CFPB, break up HUD and raise FHA premiums.
June 27 -
The Department of Housing and Urban Development agency warned in an online notice that issuers with prepayments exceeding certain limits could face sanctions.
April 4 -
The head of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the Biden Administration said she will transition from public life starting March 22.
March 11 -
The Lansing, Michigan-based firm was awarded the contract this spring and takes over from Novad Management Consulting, which had previously serviced government-held HECMs since 2014.
December 13 -
The FHFA’s forbearance extension to September is forcing nonbank servicers to buy out more delinquent loans. It's also upended loss estimates for investors and made racial and income disparities in the mortgage market worse.
March 25 -
Individuals who received a coronavirus stimulus check earlier this year also qualify for the protection, as do couples who jointly file their taxes and expect to earn less than $198,000.
September 1 -
Dana Wade, a former OMB official, says a strong capital footing will help the Federal Housing Administration weather an uptick in delinquencies and ensure the mortgage market is viable once the economy recovers.
August 17 -
Some lawmakers fear that when forbearance plans and enhanced unemployment coverage expire, the consequences for mortgage borrowers still affected by the pandemic will be severe.
June 9 -
The policy comes more than a month after a different agency issued similar guidance for loans backed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
June 4