Goldman Sachs
Goldman Sachs
The Goldman Sachs Group Inc is a leading global investment banking firm whose activities are organized into investment banking (20% of net revenue), global markets (45%), asset management (20%), and consumer and wealth management (15%) segments. Approximately 60% of the company's net revenue is generated in the Americas, 15% in Asia, and 25% in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Leading up to President Donald Trump's April 2 deadline on levies, the options traders prefer to own exposure to US government debt due in five years.
March 26 -
The pass-through certificates are supported by a full pool of amortizing loans, which have no interest-only periods.
March 12 -
Full documentation accounts for a little over a third of the pool, but otherwise FICO scores are high, as are weighted average liquid reserves.
March 7 -
From the Q3 2021 to the early 2024 vintages, cumulative gross loss (CGL) levels had been trending up, likely due to consumer credit normalizing, due to inflationary pressures.
March 6 -
Excess cash flow will pay timely interest and protect against realized losses in the rated certificates before being paid out to the class X notes.
March 4 -
The deal has a step-up coupon feature that calls for the fixed rates on classes A1, A2 and A3 to increase by 100 basis points, subject to the net weighted average coupon (WAC) after four years.
January 31 -
The deal includes a minimum assets test, requiring the issuers to own at least 10 assets at the end of the nine-month delivery period, or seven assets after the delivery period.
January 30 -
A vast majority of the collateral pool balance, 82.6%, are mortgages used to purchase primary residences, and just 17.4% finance second homes.
December 31 -
JPMorgan Chase & Co. CEO Jamie Dimon said bankers would be "dancing in the street" under the lighter-touch regulatory environment expected under Trump.
November 20 -
Any risk of mis-matching of fixed and floating rates among the assets and transaction notes is minimal. Between 80%-90% of the notes pay a fixed rate, while 78% of the loans are fixed rate.
November 4