Unlike estimated excess spread, which increased to 13.2%, from 12.8% on the EART 2024-4 transaction, several other forms of credit enhancement levels dropped.
4h ago -
The Trump administration wants the Small Business Administration to shrink its workforce by 43%. At the same time, the agency is being asked to start managing the federal government's student loan portfolio.
March 24 -
FHF sources almost all its loans—most recently 96% in 2024—from franchise dealers.
March 13 -
The deal is structured as a public securitization, under Rule 144A, and is supported by lending indirectly through more than 1,100 partnerships across the country.
March 13 -
The United Auto 2025-1 series of notes has a more mixed subordination element compared with the previous deal.
March 11 -
It is the program's second issuance to come to market with a pool made up entirely of consumer loans.
March 4 -
Affirm grade A loans account for 34.8% of the pool and have historically produced the lowest defaults in the sponsor's managed portfolios.
February 26 -
While SoFi uses a third-party servicer for both of those product types, it services its entire consumer loan portfolio.
February 19 -
Outstanding loans eligible for repossession in December 2022 saw a 22.5% increase from December 2019, but redemptions were higher than pre-pandemic levels.
January 23 -
CEO Richard Fairbank told analysts executives have their "microscopes" out for any signs of trouble, but consumers remain "in a great place."
January 22