Top retail-mall owner Taubman has approached the market with a $1 billion CMBS deal to refinance the existing debt that is collateralized by one of the highest volume shopping centers in the U.S.
December 6 -
Affiliates of real estate company Tishman Speyer and investment firm Henry Crown & Co. are selling $3.4 billion of commercial mortgage-backed securities in a deal that's expected to price Thursday.
October 16 -
Investors began pulling funds rapidly after it disclosed last month the departure of Chief Investment Officer Ken Leech amid Justice Department and Securities and Exchange Commission probes into its trading practices.
September 20 -
The pool, collectively, has a cap rate of 8.57%, with an in-trust loan-to-value (LTV) at the cutoff date of 102.3%, and an appraisal LTV of 61.5%.
July 23 -
One of the transaction's many positive attributes is its low loan-to-value ratio, 71.5%, and with 4.7 million residents, the Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, Calif., metro area ranks as the 12th most populous metro area in the U.S.
July 10 -
The pool includes loans originated under section 504 of the Small Business Investment Act of 1958, which supported funding for loans made to small business concerns, predominantly with original 30-year terms.
June 13 -
As the inflation reduction campaign has miles to go, banks considering credit risk transfers referencing commercial real estate could find enthusiastic investors.
May 29 -
The existing notes, known as non-standard debt and held by insurers, were swapped this month into newly issued commercial mortgage-backed securities in equal proportions.
May 24 -
Fitch gave the resort a B+ property quality grade, and it increased its loan-to-value hurdles by 8.75% to reflect the collateral quality.
May 23 -
With a high proportion of fixed-rate, interest-only underlying loans, the notes have almost no amortization, and three CRE loans have standalone, investment-grade opinions.
April 19