Sabey 2025-2 will feature a $24.8 million liquidity reserve among other credit enhancement mechanisms, including cash trap and early amortization triggers.
March 27 -
A set of performance-related triggers—cash trapping and expense reserve—will help maintain cash flow to the notes.
March 10 -
The rating agency covers its bases in preparation for a surge in data center debt
February 12 -
Among the deal's main credit strengths is that the real estate assets are protected by robust physical security, and 83.5% of the tenants have investment-grade credit ratings.
February 10 -
The deal will sell two series of notes from a new master trust, secured by revenues from three data centers in Phoenix and Toronto.
February 7 -
Tenants also have a high average credit quality, with 75.9% of them having at least an investment grade rating, and lease assets underlying the class A notes have a loan-to-value (LTV) ratio limited to 70%.
February 4 -
CyrusOne Data Centers Issuer 2023-2 adds a property in Virginia, a state that accounts for a large portion of data center locations.
November 21 -
The issuer underwriting (UW) rent for data center space is about 17.9% below the sponsor's market rent estimates, leaving potential opportunities for further rent revenue increases.
August 28 -
The data centers have an appraised value of $3.8 billion, with 32 tenants. S&P assigned a value of $1.8 billion to the properties, and an average cap rate of 8.7%.
August 4 -
Some 23 tenants occupy the data center complex in Illinois, which accounted for 86.7% of total square footage and 86.8% of rentable power. The property has a net operating income of $62.7 million, and cap rate of 6.70%.
June 28