Loans with coronavirus-related forbearance have to be reported as current to the credit bureaus but there’s a ripple effect from them that has implications for credit reports and underwriting.
May 22 -
The potential for longer homeowner recovery times from hurricanes could hurt mortgage companies that need to advance funds to investors from missed payments.
May 15 -
The Property Assessed Clean Energy sector is getting a boost from the expansion of improvements eligible to be financed via tax assessments, including fire resiliency and total building renovations, according to DBRS.
December 19 -
Lawmakers have had to extend the program eight times since October 2017, as Congress has been unable to pass broader reforms.
November 30 -
Destruction from Michael's storm surge and flooding has potential to affect 57,000 homes, with a worst-case total of $13.4 billion in reconstruction cost value, according to CoreLogic's latest estimates.
October 9 -
While the severity of Florence was reduced prior to Friday morning's landfall, mortgage servicers are taking proactive steps in addressing the emergency situation.
September 14 -
The new policy, meant to assist borrowers in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, will let servicers evaluate borrowers using pre-disaster payment information.
August 16 -
Lawmakers authorized a four-month extension less than a day before the program was set to expire.
July 31 -
Reps. Ed Royce, R-Calif., and Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., introduced a bipartisan package of legislation Tuesday to extend the National Flood Insurance Program through Nov. 30.
July 18 -
Once again, congressional inaction on reauthorizing the National Flood Insurance Program is prompting concerns about what a lapse in coverage could mean for loan closings.
July 9