Payment suspensions on loans securitized through the government-backed market stopped falling in May, plateaued over the summer, and reversed course last month, according to an industry trade association.
September 19 -
SPS will have roughly 1.4 million mortgages in its portfolio after the transaction closes, something the two companies estimate will occur in the fourth quarter of this year.
September 19 -
The class-action lawsuit was brought on behalf of mortgage borrowers who were allegedly placed into forbearance during the early days of the pandemic without their consent.
September 16 -
Both the 30- and 15-year averages are now more than 3 percentage points higher from their levels of one year ago.
September 15 -
Still near historic low levels, the share of borrowers entering the early stages of delinquency in June increased 0.1 percentage point.
September 13 -
Rate and term refinance activity has practically disappeared compared with 12 months ago, and volume for the less rate sensitive cash-out product is much lower.
September 12 -
BofA Securities Inc. predicts that single-family rental securitizations — which repackage a single loan tied to multiple properties — will fall to just $2 billion for the rest of 2022 as Federal Reserve rate hikes send shivers across the industry.
September 9 -
Historically tight underwriting reinforced by regulation and third-party reviews could be buffers, so long as manufacturing standards for production and servicing hold up as residential mortgage companies downsize, according to KBRA.
September 9 -
Completions in August remained far lower than before COVID-19 arrived in the United States but initial actions rose fast enough to potentially meet expectations that they'll normalize in 2023.
September 8 -
Housing's unusually high appreciation rates have now slowed for three months straight, and the number of metropolitan areas that are considered overvalued keeps growing, according to CoreLogic.
September 6