The number of loans going into coronavirus-related forbearance ground down to a growth rate of 2 basis points between June 1 and June 7, according to the Mortgage Bankers Association.
June 15 -
A Clever Real Estate survey found a significant share of new borrowers are not making their full payment.
June 15 -
Evidence suggests some minority-owned businesses can’t access loans, and the Trump administration is under pressure to report borrower demographics. The issue is gaining attention against the backdrop of protests over the George Floyd killing.
June 14 -
But deal sponsors are primarily restricting property assets to the lower risk multifamily and office buildings that lenders are more confident will weather the economic strains brought by the coronavirus pandemic.
June 12 -
The measures extended by the Federal Housing Finance Agency include alternative methods used for certain appraisals and for verification of employment.
June 11 -
The expected rise in refinance volume overrides pessimism about purchase activity for their businesses.
June 11 -
A budget item establishing a new agency to protect consumers from predatory lenders has been put on hold as state officials deal with the coronavirus response and other priorities. But it could be revived in legislative talks later this summer.
June 11 -
As revenue-starved retailers fall further behind on rent payments, landlords' cash flow will be strained, and defaults on commercial real estate loans could rise.
June 10 -
The Federal Housing Administration's move to insure loans with forbearance could help support homeownership opportunities constrained by the coronavirus if one change was made to it, trade groups said.
June 10 -
The central bank is only now nearing the launch of the credit facilities after the effort was announced in April. But Chairman Jerome Powell said loans have been available through other means.
June 10