The loans have a weighted average (WA) score of 781, the highest to date for the platform, and the deal also has several key positive credit highlights, including the lowest concentration of leases with terms greater than 36 months.
February 6 -
The percentage of obligors in the pool with no credit history amounts to about 81.5%, and that is actually higher than prior transactions from the TAST program.
January 31 -
Only loans that have made at least one payment were included in the collateral pool. At a weighted average (WA) 574, the pool's FICO score is slightly lower than that of recent pools.
January 30 -
The portfolio of new auto leases will support notes with an expected base case loss proxy of 1.0%.
January 29 -
The underlying transactions pay on a pro-rata basis, but that can switch to sequential pay if performance triggers, which can be addressed, are breached.
January 25 -
FCALT 2024A has a lower ratio of leases with an original term of 48 months, at 8.17%, compared with 6.85% on FCALT 2023B.
January 22 -
The cumulative net loss expectation is unchanged from CPSART 2023-D, even after considering the performance record of certain outstanding CPS program note series, like 2022 and 2023 in particular.
January 18 -
Almost half of the loans, 49.6% did not have an associated FICO score, and the pool had a non-zero weighted average (WA) FICO score of 704.
January 17 -
While the deal has a lot of positive characteristics, Moody's noted that the managed portfolio and 2022 and 2023 origination vintages are showing some deteriorating performance.
January 16 -
BLAST 2024-1 collateral pool exhibits a few key differences from BLAST 2023-1, such as a higher WA interest rate, at 23.4%, compared with 22.5%.
January 16