Unlike estimated excess spread, which increased to 13.2%, from 12.8% on the EART 2024-4 transaction, several other forms of credit enhancement levels dropped.
March 25 -
FHF sources almost all its loans—most recently 96% in 2024—from franchise dealers.
March 13 -
The deal is structured as a public securitization, under Rule 144A, and is supported by lending indirectly through more than 1,100 partnerships across the country.
March 13 -
The United Auto 2025-1 series of notes has a more mixed subordination element compared with the previous deal.
March 11 -
Lendbuzz sells the notes as it juggles mixed performance results from 2023. Originations and revenues saw huge jumps, but so did operating expenses.
April 23 -
The current levels of credit enhancement are a reduction from levels of 58.0%, 48.7%, 35.9%, 22.5% and 17% on the classes A, B, C, D and E on the BLAST 2024-1 deal.
April 12 -
Initial overcollateralization is 11.3%, up from 8.50% of the initial collateral pool balance. Aside from that adjustment, target overcollateralization is 22.45%, compared to 13.00% on Westlake 2023-4 deal.
February 28 -
Issuance has been scant since DRIVE 2021-3 closed in November 2021. A lack of comparison deals from recent years makes it more difficult to forecast losses.
February 8 -
COVID-19 largesse enabled subprime borrowers to pay down debt and boost credit scores. Then interest rates rocketed up in 2022, and new subprime auto borrowers felt the pinch.
December 26 -
Classes A, B and C benefit from hard credit enhancement levels of 60.80%, 42.80% and 24.57%, respectively, an increase from the comparison deal.
December 8