Borrowers' high incomes and the abundance of monthly free cash flow speed up repayments and mitigate the transaction's exposure to economic downturns.
9h ago -
The current pool has smaller exposures to the construction and turf sectors compared to the 2024-2 series, which have seen higher loss rates than the agriculture sector.
February 21 -
All the class A notes benefit from total initial hard credit enhancement totaling 21.0% of the pool balance. Classes B, C and D benefit from 17.0%, 11.5% and 6.5%, respectively.
February 6 -
Residential customers made up 70.1% of NYSEG's sales revenue, while commercial and industrial customers account for the other 30% of sales. The latter is a relatively high exposure for such deals.
February 4 -
KBRA notes that commercial obligors with an investment grade rating make up 76% of MassMutual's customer base. Within that group, payments from the U.S. government account for 14.4%, the largest concentration.
January 16 -
Classes A through E, do not allow for payment-in-kind, which allows borrowers to use assets other than cash—such as equity or shares—to make interest payments.
January 9 -
After a double-digit increase, analysts expect sectors to continue to grow in 2025, albeit with some credit deterioration.
December 27 -
One of the subordinate tranches, the BX is exchangeable, while credit enhancement levels on the notes range from 35.70% on the A1 notes to 3.5% on the B3 tranche.
June 18 -
The assets have a weighted average (WA) FICO score of 801, including a minimum FICO of 660. Also on a WA basis, they have an original term of 74 months and a loan-to-value ratio of 86.8%.
June 17 -
Treasury yields surged across the curve on Friday, while traders — as well as economists at JPMorgan Chase & Co. and Citigroup Inc. — pushed out their expectations for the Fed's first rate reduction.
June 7