Besides reauthorizing the Paycheck Protection Program, Congress should upgrade the loan forgiveness process, offer businesses the chance to take out a second loan and ensure the pricing satisfies lenders, bankers say.
August 4 -
The Senate had passed the bill Tuesday, shortly before the Small Business Administration was to stop accepting new loan applications.
July 2 -
The agencies said late Friday that they will provide information on small businesses that received $150,000 or more from the Paycheck Protection Program.
June 19 -
Activity in the Paycheck Protection Program has waned, but some argue that many small businesses, especially those owned by minorities, will miss out if the June 30 application deadline isn't extended.
June 19 -
Evidence suggests some minority-owned businesses can’t access loans, and the Trump administration is under pressure to report borrower demographics. The issue is gaining attention against the backdrop of protests over the George Floyd killing.
June 14 -
The agencies produced an application process that includes favorable interpretation of qualifying expenses.
May 15 -
The agency is being methodical in its rollout of the Main Street Lending Program in hopes of avoiding missteps that followed the launch of other coronavirus relief efforts. But observers say delaying aid brings its own risks.
May 11 -
Banks could end up holding many low-rate Paycheck Protection Program loans on their books for two years, and dealing with irate borrowers who failed to meet federal requirements for forgiveness.
May 11 -
Up to 12% of loans under the $660 billion small-business rescue program could be tied to misleading or completely phony applications, fueling concerns about lenders' potential liability.
May 7 -
Small businesses that received loans from the Paycheck Protection Program pandemic still don’t know how much they may have to repay after the government missed a deadline to give specific guidance.
May 3