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Bridgecrest returns, raising $538.9 million in auto ABS

Photo by Amrozinio for Adobe Stock

The Bridgecrest securitization program is returning to the capital markets to sell $538.9 million in auto asset-backed securities, ultimately collateralized by a pool of retail installment sale contracts on new and used automobiles.

The main asset in Bridgecrest Lending Auto Securitization Trust, or BLAST 2024-4, is a certificate that ultimately represents the beneficial ownership in the pool of contracts, according to a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing about the deal. BLAST 2024-4 will issue notes through three class A notes and four class B, C, D and E tranches.

The class A1, A2 and A3 notes have legal final payment dates of Nov. 17, 2025, Sept. 15, 2027 and Sept. 15, 2028, respectively, according to the SEC and S&P Global Ratings. The classes B, C and D notes all mature on Aug. 15, 2030, while the class E notes mature one year later.

According to the SEC Citigroup, Deutsche Bank Securities and Wells Fargo Securities are underwriters on the deal, and Asset Securitization Report's deal database notes that they are also managers. The fixed-rate notes are expected to yield 4.90% on the A1 notes through 5.29% on the class D notes, according to the deal database. All nots are priced against the three-month I-curve.

The deal is scheduled to close at the end of the month.

BLAST 2024-4's credit enhancement includes pre-pricing excess spread at around 13.31%, an increase from 12.77% seen in the BLAST 2024-3 issuance. Overcollateralization is also included but is unchanged at 3.25% of the initial pool balance. There is also a reserve account funded with an initial amount of at least 1.5% of the pool balance as of the cut-off date.

Another form of credit enhancement will be subordination for classes A through D, according to S&P.

S&P, Fitch Ratings and Morningstar DBRS assign A1+, F1+ and R1 ratings, respectively, to the A1 notes. The three rating agencies also assign AAA to the A2 and A3 notes; AA to the class B notes; A to the class C notes; and BBB to the class D notes. DBRS and S&P assigned BB to the class E notes.

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Auto ABS Securitization Citigroup