The current pool has smaller exposures to the construction and turf sectors compared to the 2024-2 series, which have seen higher loss rates than the agriculture sector.
3h ago -
Lenders and developers are now working their contacts in Washington to try to protect Ginnie Mae.
9h ago -
Loan modifications and expenses have reduced available interest and net weighted average coupon (WAC) rates in the deal.
February 21 -
Unlike most aircraft securitizations, Gilead 2025-1 uses a mortgage amortization style, de-levering at a lower rate compared to a more typical straight-line payment style.
February 20 -
Bessent had repeatedly criticized then-Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for boosting the share of bills in US debt.
February 20 -
Any loan that is more than 120 days delinquent becomes a stop-advance loan, a designation that prevents interest leakage to bondholders.
February 20 -
Private equity firms are buying stakes in sports teams more frequently, at the same time that more stadiums are being built or renovated.
February 19 -
While SoFi uses a third-party servicer for both of those product types, it services its entire consumer loan portfolio.
February 19 -
As an investment, cat bonds have drawn attention in recent years after far exceeding returns on other high-risk fixed-income markets.
February 18 -
Borrowers to test court restrictions as record liability management exercises volume continues
February 17