The REIT did not issue a securitization in the period because of the upheaval, but found a more receptive marketplace in July.
August 10 -
The changes, which appear to be separate from a controversial nonbank proposal that's pending, will reduce red tape for credit unions and housing finance agencies and clarify a calculation for loans eligible for repurchase.
August 5 -
Refinances inched up 2% as interest rates dipped, but accounted for only 31% of activity, compared to two-thirds a year ago.
August 3 -
Volumes set a record in 2021 and they've held up better than expected this year, but declines are forecasted for the sector some banks are using to partially offset single-family's slump.
August 2 -
At the same time, homes bought with FHA-backed loans accounted for the smallest share since 2007, according to an Attom sales report.
July 29 -
New American Funding scored the highest among eligible companies in this year's substantially redesigned measurement of customer satisfaction.
July 28 -
The jump for second mortgages and bank cards was even more pronounced, according to indices published by Standard & Poor’s and Experian.
July 20 -
New single-family home mortgage applications, housing starts and industry sentiment all came in at their lowest since 2020.
July 19