Interest rate-related developments have reportedly created an environment where more mortgage firms are interested in selling and investors are eager to buy.
January 16 -
The credit grader lowered Brookfield Property's score by two steps to BB from BBB-, the lowest level of investment grade, and the rating remains on negative outlook.
December 21 -
FHA-insured and Department of Veterans Affairs-guaranteed mortgages bear watching next year, according to Intercontinental Exchange.
December 21 -
Levels of home equity in seriously delinquent loans have fluctuated but today there's still a sufficient amount to help many access foreclosure alternatives, Intercontinental Exchange said.
December 4 -
The withdrawal of pandemic housing relief and high home prices have heightened consumer strain, according to nonprofit Money Management International.
November 6 -
In July, month-to-month missed payments increased but improved on an annual basis because a lower share of borrowers were 90 days or more late.
September 29 -
Since 2019, distressed loans have increased 77%, but it is just a small portion of the $691 billion currently outstanding.
September 21 -
The mortgages are part of a program that received congressional scrutiny earlier this year.
September 13 -
The government-sponsored enterprises have consistently earmarked some distressed loans for community, nonprofit and minority investors. Certain Democrats want more.
August 29 -
While a majority of current forborne borrowers sought relief for reasons related to COVID-19, servicers are seeing a growing share of cases involving natural disasters or personal financial issues, the Mortgage Bankers Association said.
August 22