The fund aims to bring greater granularity and spreads of consumer assets to institutional investors that typically have a greater exposure to corporate credit assets.
September 18 -
Since July 21, 2021, the cutoff date before its last deal, Avant's active credit card accounts increased 388%, to its current 1 million accounts.
September 11 -
On a cumulative basis, Moody's expects the asset pool to have a net loss of 1.25%, down from 1.50% in the prior deal.
September 9 -
Affirm Asset Securitization benefits from overcollateralization in several forms. Target overcollateralization during the revolving period will equal 2.65% of the initial adjusted pool balance.
September 5 -
The pool consists of 16,272 contracts, with an average contract balance of $93,502. On a weighted average (WA) basis, the contracts have an original term of 55.7 months.
September 4 -
Only loans from the Achieve Personal Loan product line are in the current collateral pool.
August 30 -
Overcollateralization, subordination of the junior notes, a non-declining cash reserve account and excess spread provide credit enhancement to the notes.
August 29 -
There is no subordination for the class A notes, but managers opted for much more overcollateralization, which stands at 18.0% as a percentage of the initial pool balance.
August 12 -
A 1.50% residual value risk, down 1.50% from the prior transaction; and an Aaa loss of level 8.50%, an increase of 50 bps, puts expected losses at a Aaa is 10.0%, down 1.0% from the prior transaction.
August 9 -
Set up as a forward flow deal, will allow Castlelake to buy Pagaya-originated loans for a period spanning one year, with an option to extend the agreement further.
August 9