Flat growth is expected for mortgages and auto loans, while credit card loan growth will slow down.
February 7 -
Some 630 residential mortgages provide the collateral for the deal, and that includes a substantial majority, 81.0%, that the rating agencies consider to be non-prime.
February 2 -
Its first of 2024, the collateral has an average loan balance of $368,691, a combined loan-to-value ratio of about 71.7%, a WA household income of $596,633, and liquid reserves of $172,562.
January 26 -
In many ways the pool exhibits prime characteristics that are in line with other transactions from the MSRM platform, with an original FICO score of 772, an original loan-to-value ratio of 73.9%, and an original cumulative LTV of 74.2%.
January 25 -
The coupons on the class A notes steps up after four years by 100 basis points, but the coupons are subject to a net weighted average coupon (WAC) cap.
January 12 -
The sponsor sourced the mortgage collateral from a range of originators, but none of them accounts for more than 10% of the pool balance.
January 10 -
A lockout feature helps extend subordination to preserve the senior notes against losses later in the transaction's cycle—notes have a final scheduled repayment date of January 2054.
January 9 -
Throughout the year, auto ABS was a stronger performer than other consumer ABS asset classes, with $141.1 billion in new securitization business.
January 5 -
The trust distributes scheduled principal on a pro rata basis. There is also a specified lockout period during which the subordinate classes do not receive any unscheduled principal.
January 2 -
For the most part the underlying loans have very low default rates. Almost the entire pool, 91.8%, is clean current, and appear to have performed well into the period where they were expected to experience greater losses.
January 2