Deterioration in credit quality should put strain on collateral originated in late 2021 and early 2022, affecting performance, Barclays Credit Research said.
December 6 -
These types of transactions largely disappeared from the market for years after the Great Recession.
December 2 -
Prime mortgage activity fell notably while nonprime deals and government-sponsored enterprise credit risk transfers increased in 2022, according to Kroll Bond Rating Agency.
November 30 -
However, a tiered pricing system will limit an inflation-driven increase to under 10% for a small group of originators.
November 28 -
Nonbanks will probably see the least change, while securitization lenders, depositories and REITs are likely to experience the most, an Urban Land Institute survey suggests.
November 22 -
Scores will be assigned to all loan pools created since 2010, including future securitizations, and are expected to help investors determine the share of mortgages meeting specific characteristics.
November 18 -
The government mortgage-bond insurer's requirements that restrict investor involvement are likely the greatest challenge to finding more purchasers of MSRs, experts said at a servicing conference Monday.
November 14 -
The company was profitable on a net basis but took a comprehensive loss linked to market volatility's effect on mortgage bonds.
November 9 -
The company is floating the possibility of selling a portion of its loan portfolio to free up liquidity in coming months, leaders said.
November 8 -
The government-sponsored enterprise put more money aside as mortgage interest rates rise and home prices start to decline.
November 8