Politics and policy
Politics and policy
A ballot initiative that places additional restrictions on debt collectors and decreases the interest rates that can be charged on medical debt passed Tuesday by an overwhelming margin. Consumer advocates say it will ease the burden on households dealing with hardship, but industry groups contend that it will make credit more expensive.
November 10 -
The CFPB's recent guidance on so-called "unfair" bank fees has created legal turmoil for banks and financial firms after the White House claimed the bureau's actions were settled law.
November 9 -
The Federal Reserve's semiannual financial stability report said the threat of continued high prices and the Fed's response to them are top threats for banks and other market participants.
November 4 -
Legal experts are gaming out the various options for the CFPB after a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit ruled on Oct. 19 that the bureau's funding is unconstitutional.
November 1 -
In a letter to Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, the chair of the Senate Banking Committee warned that the Fed was in danger of going too far in its efforts to tame inflation.
October 25 -
The central bank has recently stepped up its efforts to reduce its balance sheet, but doing that without forcing a liquidity crunch requires careful planning.
October 11 -
During a visit to Buffalo on Friday, New York Federal Reserve President John Williams said the central bank may need to keep cranking up interest rates to gain greater control over high inflation.
October 7 -
The lawmakers have asked Attorney General Merrick Garland to share the Department of Justice's analysis on creating a central bank digital currency by Oct. 15.
October 5 - AB - Policy & Regulation
Interest rate increases by central banks have compounding effects and could exacerbate weaknesses in the global financial system, Federal Reserve Vice Chair Lael Brainard argued in a speech Friday.
September 30 -
The Federal Housing Finance Agency got an earful from housing experts at a listening session intended to aid a comprehensive review of the financing system.
September 29