That's left mortgage servicing rights investors with fewer concerns about runoff, but buyers have less in the way of recapture opportunities.
October 21 -
The automation provider, which could merge with ICE Mortgage next year, is updating secondary market tools sorely needed in a volatile market.
October 19 -
The development, touted as an industry-first, is the latest move by the government-sponsored enterprises to expand housing opportunities for first-time and underserved homebuyers.
October 18 -
Quarterly numbers also show the smallest gain in appreciation since 2011, with values decreasing on an unadjusted basis, according to Fannie Mae.
October 17 -
The impairment rate for securitized non-qualified mortgages improved a little in August after increasing slightly the two previous months.
October 14 -
The agreement, the lender and servicer's only such facility, is set to expire at the end of next September.
October 13 -
Decline was largely driven by a large dip in cash-out refinance locks.
October 11 -
The company previously announced it would also close its consumer-direct operations, which relied heavily on refinance activity.
October 11 -
The settlement with an insurer over Countrywide's mortgage-backed securities closes another chapter on what quickly proved to be an ill-advised acquisition for Bank of America. A trial on the case had kicked off last month.
October 7 -
The wholesale channel tool will speed up mortgage processing time by as much as 40%, the lender claims.
October 6