Citing "changing market dynamics," the company announced it will exit mortgage lending this summer.
May 26 -
Home purchasers had to come up with 0.9% more in April versus what they would have paid in March and 11.8% higher on a year-over-year basis, the Mortgage Bankers Association said.
May 25 -
Some in the space say they've seen new players coming in but others disagreed during a panel at the Mortgage Bankers Association's Secondary and Capital Markets conference.
May 23 -
The Mortgage Bankers Association sees the likelihood of a rise in sales activity later this year based on recent construction trends, in a turnaround from the 2022 market.
May 19 -
The government-sponsored enterprise only tweaked the two-year mortgage origination forecast, with a $6 billion reduction for 2023, but an increase of $7 billion for 2024.
May 19 -
Jobs numbers, inflation data and the continued debate over raising the debt ceiling are factors applying upward pressure.
May 18 -
Now that the national emergency is over some — but not all — government-related entities have set what may be final deadlines for this form of pandemic relief.
May 16 -
But the percentage of loans in workout no longer current increased in April, the Mortgage Bankers Association found.
May 15 -
Although issuance of new securitizations has been low compared to year-ago levels, it rebounded as spring buying began
May 12 -
Low interest rates on 2021 and 2022 mortgages might mean low prepayment rates, exposing investors to duration risk on supported mortgage-backed securities.
May 12