For the first time since the financial crisis, some collateralized loan obligations are being forced to divert funds normally used to pay junior noteholders to be used for the benefit of more senior noteholders.
April 27 -
One of the biggest challenges in putting new CLO deals together has been the decline in the number of buyers of CLO debt. Justin Plouffe, managing director of U.S. and European CLOs at The Carlyle Group, discusses the means to which managers must adapt to market direction.
May 3 -
Jeremy Ghose, a veteran London-based CLO manager, is unsure the launch of five new Euro-denominated collateralized loan obligations in March is a sign the market is staged for a surge in 2016 even though one of the new issues was by his own firm.
April 5 -
Despite the deterioration in their CLO holdings, BDCs appear to be maintaining their dividends and appear to be in no particular hurry to unload holdings.
May 10 -
The potentially wide-ranging effects of an appeals court decision in Midland Funding v. Madden could deal a serious blow to preemption under the National Bank Act.
May 2