The fund's managers are hoping to replicate the success of their US-focused ETF, which has amassed $17.2 billion in assets under management in less than five years.
January 9 -
The 2021 deal tally is split between $37 billion in new-issue transactions along with $68 billion in refis/resets, according to S&P Global Ratings.
March 29 -
Just over 12 billion euros ($14.6 billion) of new issue, refi and reset paper has priced so far this year, surpassing a previous high of 7.3 billion euros in the first two months of 2018.
February 24 -
The receivables will flow from payments on UK monoline credit-card accounts for nonprime borrowers.
January 25 -
The European Union's first social bond sale, totaling 17 billion euros, was 14 times oversubscribed, meaning the EU could have sold 200 billion euros worth of bonds. That indicates a market that’s structurally underserved.
October 22 -
he report concluded that the industry should fare well compared with its peers, but that loans to mid-sized European companies remained vulnerable to fall-out from Covid-19.
July 15 -
King Street's new CLO is the first European deal rated by Moody’s to fail to meet all the portfolio requirements at this milestone.
July 2 -
Four transactions from three managers, Alcentra, Barings and Bardin Hill, showed a breach of one or more of their so-called over-collateralization tests based on May filings.
June 18 -
In the last two quarters of 2019, according to Fitch Ratings, more U.S. managers of collateralized loan obligations (CLOs) had been structuring some of their transactions to comply with risk-retention rules.
April 6 -
Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc is pressing ahead with its restructuring plan, trimming its securitized credit team in London even as many of its peers halt job cuts amid the chaos caused by the coronavirus outbreak.
April 2