The Federal Reserve's unprecedented scale of intervention sparked an immediate surge in demand for both investment-grade and junk bonds. Now that the program has started buying, it’s unclear what happens when – and if – the funding runs out.
May 18 -
The agencies produced an application process that includes favorable interpretation of qualifying expenses.
May 15 -
The central bank's Financial Stability Report said companies may face difficulties repaying debt given lower earnings, “which could trigger a sizable increase in firm defaults."
May 15 -
J.C. Penney Co., the department-store chain that’s been negotiating with creditors on a plan to restructure in bankruptcy court, made good on a missing loan payment and said it’s still considering solutions to its crushing debt load.
May 15 -
The Federal Reserve said a facility designed to purchase eligible corporate debt from investors will launch today, bringing a key part of the U.S. central bank’s emergency coronavirus lending program online following weeks of anticipation
May 12 -
The agency is being methodical in its rollout of the Main Street Lending Program in hopes of avoiding missteps that followed the launch of other coronavirus relief efforts. But observers say delaying aid brings its own risks.
May 11 -
Banks could end up holding many low-rate Paycheck Protection Program loans on their books for two years, and dealing with irate borrowers who failed to meet federal requirements for forgiveness.
May 11 -
PACE sponsors are raising capital and promoting plans to retroactively fund stalled CRE projects amid the COVID-19 outbreak, giving a potential boost to ABS activity in the space.
May 11 -
The worst recession since the Great Depression is prompting indebted companies to default, and increasingly more will do so in a way that’s harder for investors to detect.
May 11 -
The group that worked with the Fed to devise an alternative rate to Libor rejects criticism that the index favors megabanks.
May 11Alternative Reference Rates Committee