With tougher capital requirements looming, a number of regionals including U.S. Bancorp, Huntington and Santander are using these new instruments to share risk with nonbank investors and lighten their capital load. Experts point out the pros and cons.
February 1 -
As a result, a robust housing market is now on the horizon, Freddie Mac chief economist Sam Khater declared.
February 1 -
A key Senator had urged Fed Chairman Jerome Powell to lower rates early this year, but although there's more consensus on making such a move, it now looks unlikely to happen until after the next meeting.
January 31 -
Over 70 loans were allegedly sent to competitors by the independent mortgage banker, a suit filed by UWM alleges.
January 30 -
A potential buyer with a budget of $3,000 per month for their payments is now able to afford an approximately $453,000 home.
January 29 -
Loan criteria such as credit scores, loan types and loan-to-value ratios are all weaker than those included in 2022 deals, Fitch said.
January 25 -
Its January forecast reverses the call first made in April 2022 that the U.S. economy would slip into an extended downturn.
January 22 -
A common concern in housing finance reactions has been the lack of accommodation for strategies routinely used to manage credit, rate and liquidity exposures.
January 19 -
Lending activity among builders surged over 22% annually in December, but the growing share of FHA-backed borrowing in the segment took a step back for the first time in four months, the Mortgage Bankers Association said.
January 18 -
As part of a settlement with the Justice Department, Patriot Bank must invest more than $1 million of the total in a loan subsidy fund for minority homeowners and take other corrective steps in its everyday business. The bank denied any wrongdoing.
January 17