Political uncertainty, sector-specific concerns as well as interest rate and labor trends may continue to depress commercial and industrial lending in the coming months.
December 31 -
Many business customers are putting off expansion because they can’t find enough workers to fill available jobs.
December 11 -
Unlike previous central bank chiefs, Powell’s chances of being renominated by either the current president or many of the Democratic contenders are slim.
November 10 -
The Supreme Court may be closer to examining a key restraint on a president's ability to change CFPB leadership.
September 12 -
The mortgage industry will be looking for answers when Treasury and HUD unveil reports on housing finance reform, but the Trump administration’s plans could also raise a whole new host of questions.
August 29 -
Some believe the administration will delay action on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to avoid any political fallout. Others say the window for reform is closing.
July 29