Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and Bank of American Merrill Lynch are marketing two CMBS conduits totaling nearly $2 billion, according to rating agency reports.
September 14 -
Morgan Stanley and Barclays Bank are marketing $550 million of bonds backed by a mortgage on Merchandise Mart, a 24-story, four million square foot art deco landmark in downtown Chicago.
September 14 -
Late payments on securitized commercial mortgages dipped in August, but there is a growing divide between the performance of loan originated before and after the financial crisis.
September 12 -
The Shops at Crystals is making an appearance in a fourth commercial mortgage securitization.
September 8 -
J.P. Morgan is marketing $235 million of mortgage bonds backed by a single loan collateralized by a portfolio of 63 Value Place extended-stay hotels, according to rating agency reports.
September 7 -
The first offering of commercial mortgage bonds to hit the market post-Labor Day comes from JP Morgan Chase, which is securitizing a $900 million portion of a $1.2 billion loan on an iconic Manhattan office building at 9 West 57th Street.
September 6 -
A wave of maturing commercial mortgages is set to crest next year, and. Kroll Bond Rating Agency reckons that roughly a quarter of these 1,803 loans may have difficulty refinancing, resulting in what is known as a maturity default.
September 1 -
Fitch has taken a slightly dimmer view of Midland Loan Services ability to workout distressed commercial mortgages.
August 29 -
In a report published Thursday, Moodys Investors Service warned that loans backed by shopping centers are an increasing cause of concern for mortgage bond investors and provided some criteria for evaluating the long-term viability of regional malls.
August 26